The time after you make a report can be unsettling. You likely have more questions than answers, your mind turns over and over to the child and you are trying to prepare yourself for what might come next. Below are a few tips to help you get through this unsettling time.
Manage your expectations. You will likely have more questions than answers. You will receive a form letter in the mail acknowledging the report. Beyond that, unless the child shares, you might not know what else is happening with the investigation.
Respect the child’s confidentiality. Don’t share details with school staff or collegues. Resist the temptation to inform the child’s parents. Your relationship with them may change, but your primary responsibility is to the child. Rely on “it’s a good thing to be wrong about” if you are confronted.
Tap into your support system. Talking to someone, not about the situation but about your reaction to the situation can help.
Educate yourself on creating a trauma informed classroom. Children who are experiencing trauma or have can behave in confusing and challenging ways. Click HERE to see a video about responding in the classroom. There is abundant information on the internet about this topic.
Keep Reporting. Even if you have already reported an incident for a specific child, if you notice or hear something new, make another report.
Understand the process. The flow chart below explains what happens after you make a report to Human Services.